Saturday, January 28, 2012

Crumpy Chocolate Spread

Here is my favorite chocolate spread, Crumpy Chocolate Spread :) The picture shown above is Crumpy Chocolate Hazelnut Spread which is different from what I've been really eating. The original flavour has red linings instead of green in the packaging. I can't find any photo's nor the website of it sadly :/

Anyways this is a cheaper version of Nutella, but i prefer this one. It only cost for almost US$3.00 (Php140.00) for the 400 g. 

IMO, Nutella is too sweet (by taste). Crumpy is not as sweet as Nutella, it taste like dark chocolate (which is my favorite among all kinds of chocolates) only sweeter.


Yuki said...

I love Nutella. They ran out of it at the supermarket, so I was forced to try an alternative -- Crumpy. it tastes delicious, but I still prefer Nutella. :)

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