Found this on 9gag. It's really funny because most of the people in the said social network use it as a their "Psychiatric Treatment". They use it to express themselves - overly express should I say where it comes to the point that it is getting really personal. For some reason, getting likes from those kind of status makes you feel better -- which is weird.
As far as I observe, it's usually the girls -- which is not surprising. The problem with them is that they have low self-esteem and high level of insecurities. Or maybe I'm just saying this because most of the guys are not that expressive in nature unlike them? This is just an opinion on a male perspective.
Unfortunately, most of them are abusing or worst -- start cursing and swearing. They use profane or vulgar words which is really irritating to eyes every time you read it. I know that being judgmental is bad, but it's what you wanted, right? We are living in the world where you are judged on what you do assuming for the fact that it's what you wanted after all. All I can say is be careful on what you post/comment, it's a huge responsibility.
Moving on, the funny thing about it is that when somebody or someone asks what's the matter, they will reply "I don't want to talk about it". So seriously? Why post such thing if you don't want to share about it? Attention whore.
Excuse my excessive use of present day terminologies. I learned that also in 9gag. hahaha! It might sound harsh but if you come to think of it, the meaning is not that to harsh. Let's just say that it's these words are opposite of Euphemisms. :)
By the way, this is the original post from 9gag:
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